振奋人心。- 汉语成语
Inspire people with enthusiasm. - Chinese Idiom
Extreme joy begets sorrow. - Chinese Idiom
乐极生悲。- 汉语成语
Be jubilant; in great delight. - Chinese Idiom
兴高采烈。- 汉语成语
Find pleasure in spite of bitterness; enjoy in adversity. - Chinese Idiom
苦中作乐。- 汉语成语
Be elated and inspired by. - Chinese Idiom
欢欣鼓舞。- 汉语成语
顺理成章。- 汉语成语
Follow a rational line (to write or do something well). - Chinese Idiom
高枕无忧。- 汉语成语
Sleep without any anxiety; rest without worries. - Chinese Idiom
The joy is boundless; great joy to do something. - Chinese Idiom
其乐无穷。- 汉语成语
Eye-opening; greatly to widen one's horizon. - Chinese Idiom
大开眼界。- 汉语成语
满面春风。- 汉语成语
One's face is full of joy; shine with happiness. - Chinese Idiom
阳光总在风雨后。- 谚语
The sun always comes out after the wind and rain. - Proverb
过分贪欲很愚蠢,因为欲望无止境。- 格言
The lust for the superfluous is folly, for it has no bounds. - Maxim
Despair and hope are sisters. - Proverb
绝望和希望互为姐妹。- 谚语
只要一息尚存,就有希望。- 格言
No one is to be despared of so long as he breathes. – Maxim
No news is good news. – Proverb
没有消息就是好消息。- 谚语
没有烦恼,就没有快乐。- 谚语
No joy without annoy. – Proverb
心花怒放,笑逐颜开。- 谚语
A happy heart makes a blooming visage. – Proverb
笑一笑十年少,愁一愁白了头。- 汉语谚语
Smiles make one young, worries make one aged. - Chinese Proverb
谁笑到最后,笑得最好。- 谚语
He who laughs last laughs best. – Proverb
There is a remedy for everything except death. – Proverb
除了死亡,一切都可以补救。- 谚语