Take a turn for the better and be out of danger. - Chinese Idiom
转危为安。- 汉语成语
Tackle the difficulties head on. - Chinese Idiom
迎难而上。- 汉语成语
Help each other when both are in humble circumstances. - Chinese Idiom
相濡以沫。- 汉语成语
千辛万苦。- 汉语成语
Go through untold hardships. - Chinese Idiom
Never yield in spite of reverses; be undaunted by repeated setbacks. - Chinese Idiom
百折不挠。- 汉语成语
Misfortune is a good teacher. - Proverb
灾难是良师。- 谚语
绝境是上帝考验人的机会。- 谚语
Man's extremity is God's opportunity. - Proverb
对自己的不幸付之一笑,这是一门伟大的艺术。- 格言
It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune. - Maxim
The path of glory is always rugged. - Maxim
光荣之路总是崎岖不平。- 格言
Remember to keep an unruffled mind in difficulties. - Maxim
要记住,遇到困境时头脑要冷静。- 格言
Rainbow produces after wind and rain. - Proverb
风雨过后是彩虹。- 谚语
忍耐和努力会使我们度过难关。- 格言
Patience and application will carry us through. - Maxim
不要气馁,朋友,振作起来,再试试! – 英语谚语
Never say die! Up man, and try. – English Proverb
两人分担,困难减半。- 谚语
A trouble shared is a trouble halved. – Proverb
A person in distress is a sacred object. – Proverb
患难之人不可欺。- 谚语
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. – Maxim
在逆境中盛开的花是最稀有、最灿烂的花朵。- 格言
A man is only miserable as he thinks himself so. – Proverb
人的生活是否艰难,全在自己怎么想。- 谚语
坚定的意志能击穿顽石。- 谚语
A firm resolve pierces even a rock. – Proverb
置之死地而后生。- 汉语成语
Confront a person with the danger of death and he will fight to live. - Chinese Idiom
遭到不幸时,沉默是上策。- 格言
Silence in times of suffering is the best. – Maxim