Be on the upgrade; be in the ascendant. - Chinese Idiom
蒸蒸日上。- 汉语成语
Strive to rush to the fore and fear to lag behind. - Chinese Idiom
争先恐后。- 汉语成语
Long standing and well established. - Chinese Idiom
源远流长。- 汉语成语
More haste, less speed; haste does not bring success. - Chinese Idiom
欲速则不达。- 汉语成语
Proceed with determination; catch up forthwith. - Chinese Idiom
迎头赶上。- 汉语成语
Make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages. - Chinese Idiom
扬长避短。- 汉语成语
Without parallel in history; unique in the world. - Chinese Idiom
空前绝后。- 汉语成语
物美价廉。- 汉语成语
Excellent quality and reasonable price. - Chinese Idiom
物阜民丰。- 汉语成语
A rich nation with plenty of products. - Chinese Idiom
蔚然成风。- 汉语成语
Become a common practice which prevails throughout. - Chinese Idiom
渐入佳境。- 汉语成语
Gradually entering blissful circumstances. - Chinese Idiom
突飞猛进。- 汉语成语
Advance swiftly and vigorously. - Chinese Idiom
Take on an altogether new aspect. - Chinese Idiom
焕然一新。- 汉语成语
To rise steadily based on its accumulated strength; well-grounded. - Chinese Idiom
厚积薄发。- 汉语成语
后生可畏。- 汉语成语
A youth is to be regarded with respect; the younger generation will surpass the older. - Chinese Idiom
后起之秀。- 汉语成语
The rising younger generation; up-and-coming star. - Chinese Idiom
如日中天。- 汉语成语
Like the sun in broad daylight; to be very influential. - Chinese Idiom
如火如荼。- 汉语成语
Like a raging fire; growing vigorously; massed together in splendid formation. - Chinese Idiom
Change with each passing day; bring about new changes. - Chinese Idiom
日新月异。- 汉语成语
方兴未艾。- 汉语成语
Be just unfolding; be still making progress. - Chinese Idiom