Sincere words and earnest wishes. - Chinese Idiom
语重心长。- 汉语成语
Said with solid judgment; sound reasonable. - Chinese Idiom
言之有理。- 汉语成语
铿锵有力。- 汉语成语
Be sonorous and forceful. - Chinese Idiom
无可非议。- 汉语成语
Be without rebuke; unimpeachable. - Chinese Idiom
谨言慎行。- 汉语成语
Speak and act cautiously; be prudent in making statements and careful in personal conducts. - Chinese Idiom
As boundless as the sea and sky; talk at random, without reference to reality. - Chinese Idiom
海阔天空。- 汉语成语
Talk with eloquence; indulge in loud and empty talk. - Chinese Idiom
高谈阔论。- 汉语成语
Words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master; make a polished impromptu speech. - Chinese Idiom
出口成章。- 汉语成语
难能可贵。- 汉语成语
Praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct; rare and commendable. - Chinese Idiom
Full of witty remarks. - Chinese Idiom
妙语连珠。- 汉语成语
上帝要他灭亡,必先使他疯狂。- 谚语
Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason. - Proverb
Joking should be kept within the bounds of good taste. - Maxim
开玩笑要适度。- 格言
做坏事者总能找到借口。- 谚语
The wrong-doer never lacks excuse. - Proberb
一语中的。- 汉语成语
The word goes right to the heart of the matter. - Chinese Idiom
智者循理智办事,常人照经验办事,愚者按需要办事,畜生凭本能办事。- 谚语
The wise are instructed by reason, ordinary minds by experience, the stupid by necessity, and brutes by instinct. - Proverb
表达出于天性,沉默来自理解。- 格言
Speaking comes by nature, silence by understanding. - Maxim
言行之间有很大距离。- 格言
From words to deeds is a great space. - Maxim
A man is known by his acts. – Proverb
观其行,知其人。- 谚语
A necessary lie is harmless. – Proverb
必要的谎言没有害处。- 谚语
A flow of words is no proof of one's wisdom. – Proverb
口若悬河不能证明其人有智慧。- 谚语