Take warning from something; learn an object lesson. - Chinese Idiom
引以为戒。- 汉语成语
Change one's heart and reform. - Chinese Idiom
洗心革面。- 汉语成语
Examine oneself, feeling no shame; feel no qualms upon self-examination. - Chinese Idiom
问心无愧。- 汉语成语
Earnestly repent and reform former faults. - Chinese Idiom
痛改前非。- 汉语成语
Be suddenly enlightened. - Chinese Idiom
恍然大悟。- 汉语成语
Look back at past mistakes one has made. - Chinese Idiom
反躬自省。- 汉语成语
Quickly wake up to one's error and repent. - Chinese Idiom
幡然悔悟。- 汉语成语
Dispel the clouds and see the sun; enlightened as beholding the sun blazing forth from a cloudy sky. - Chinese Idiom
拨云见日。- 汉语成语
迷途知返。- 汉语成语
Become aware of one's errors and turn back from one's wrong path. - Chinese Idiom
倘若有人赞扬你,要扪心自问是否属实。- 格言
If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be true. - Maxim
无耻者无德。- 格言
He that is shameless is graceless. - Maxim
There is no place to hide oneself for shame. - Chinese Idiom
无地自容。- 汉语成语
The wise knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all. - Proverb
智者自知学问浅,愚者自以为无所不知。- 谚语
Shut one up and ponder over one's mistakes. - Chinese Idiom
闭门思过。- 汉语成语
想想自己的错误,就会忘掉别人的过失。- 格言
Forget others' faults by remembering your own. - Maxim
知耻近乎勇。- 汉语成语
Feeling of shame is close to bravery. - Chinese Idiom
Draw a lesson from a painful experience. - Chinese Idiom
痛定思痛。- 汉语成语
It is wise to know what one really understands and to admit what one does not know. – Confucius
知之为知之,不知为不知。- 孔子
A fault is soon found than mended. – Proverb
找错容易改错难。- 谚语
Sweep before one's own door. - Proverb
律人先律己。- 谚语