Be glad to help others. - Chinese Idiom
助人为乐。- 汉语成语
Invite to one's side men of wisdom and valor. - Chinese Idiom
招贤纳士。- 汉语成语
以礼相待。- 汉语成语
Treat somebody with courtesy. - Chinese Idiom
一团和气。- 汉语成语
An easy-going atmosphere; keep on good terms. - Chinese Idiom
礼尚往来。- 汉语成语
Etiquette requires reciprocity. - Chinese Idiom
Understand tacitly; readily take a hint. - Chinese Idiom
心领神会。- 汉语成语
Listen most devoutly and respectfully. - Chinese Idiom
洗耳恭听。- 汉语成语
开门见山。- 汉语成语
Come straight to the point; in a straightforward manner. - Chinese Idiom
深入人心。- 汉语成语
Penetrate deeply into the people's mind; win support among the people. - Chinese Idiom
设身处地。- 汉语成语
Place oneself in others' position; look at something from the angle of others. - Chinese Idiom
感同身受。- 汉语成语
Be deeply affected as if one had experienced; appreciate it as a personal favor. - Chinese Idiom
负荆请罪。- 汉语成语
Bearing the rod and willingly taking the punishment to offer a humble apology. - Chinese Idiom
Unnecessary and overelaborate formalities. - Chinese Idiom
繁文缛节。- 汉语成语
Amiable and easy of approach; easy to get along with. - Chinese Idiom
平易近人。- 汉语成语
从善如流。- 汉语成语
Follow good advice readily like a river follows its course. - Chinese Idiom
八面玲珑。- 汉语成语
Be smooth and slick in establishing social relations; capable of dealing with all men. - Chinese Idiom
Think with the few, speak with the many. - Maxim
与少数人一起思考,与多数人一起交谈。- 格言
近朱者赤,近墨者黑。- 汉语成语
Good companions have good influence while bad ones have bad influence. - Chinese Idiom
不打不相识。- 汉语成语
No discord, no concord. - Chinese Idiom
不回答也是一种回答。- 谚语
No answer is also an answer. – Proverb