Be close as fish and water. - Chinese Idiom
鱼水情深。- 汉语成语
Cherish a deep-seated affection for; fall deeply in love with. - Chinese Idiom
一往情深。- 汉语成语
一见钟情。- 汉语成语
Fall in love at first sight. - Chinese Idiom
一见倾心。- 汉语成语
Lose one's heart to somebody at first sight. - Chinese Idiom
心心相印。- 汉语成语
Have mutual affinity; be closely attached to each other. - Chinese Idiom
望眼欲穿。- 汉语成语
Aspire earnestly; anxiously expect to see someone. - Chinese Idiom
望穿秋水。- 汉语成语
Gaze with eager expectation; await with great anxiety. - Chinese Idiom
Ideally created by nature; perfect match. - Chinese Idiom
天造地设。- 汉语成语
Exuding tenderness and love through eyes. - Chinese Idiom
含情脉脉。- 汉语成语
海誓山盟。- 汉语成语
Make a solemn pledge of love. - Chinese Idiom
柔情蜜意。- 汉语成语
Tender affection. - Chinese Idiom
Send messages of love to somebody with one's brows; cast glances of love. - Chinese Idiom
眉目传情。- 汉语成语
爱别离苦。- 汉语成语
Love suffes from the separation. - Chinese Idiom
One's love for scholars is equal to one's thirst for water; be very fond of talented people. - Chinese Idiom
爱才若渴。- 汉语成语
The love for the house extends even to the crows perching on its roof - loving one thing on account of another. - Chinese Idiom
爱屋及乌。- 汉语成语
爱憎分明。- 汉语成语
Be clear about what to love or hate. - Chinese Idiom
Love the subjects as if they were his own children. - Chinese Idiom
爱民如子。- 汉语成语
爱情使一切冷酷之心变得温柔。- 谚语
Love makes all hard hearts gentle. - Proverb
爱情高贵,情欲低贱。- 格言
Love is noble, lust is nidering. - Maxim
Love cannot be compelled. - Maxim
爱情不能强求。- 格言