良辰吉日。- 汉语成语
Auspicious occasion; a fortunate hour and a lucky day. - Chinese Idiom
邂逅相遇。- 汉语成语
Meet by chance; an unexpected encounter. - Chinese Idiom
无巧不成书。- 汉语成语
There is no story without coincidences. - Chinese Idiom
万事俱备,只欠东风。- 汉语成语
All is ready except what is crucial. - Chinese Idiom
捷足先登。- 汉语成语
The quick foot is the first to climb the mountain; the quicker get ahead of others. - Chinese Idiom
Stand out; talent revealing itself. - Chinese Idiom
脱颖而出。- 汉语成语
后会有期。- 汉语成语
We shall meet again some other day. - Chinese Idiom
如鱼得水。- 汉语成语
Get along with one another swimmingly (like fish in water); be in one's element. - Chinese Idiom
The meeting of wind and clouds; emergence into prominence. - Chinese Idiom
风云际会。- 汉语成语
千载难逢。- 汉语成语
Occur only once in a thousand years; very rare. - Chinese Idiom
Seize the opportune moment. - Chinese Idiom
不失时机。- 汉语成语
Luck and glass, how soon it breaks. - Proverb
幸运和玻璃一样易碎。- 谚语
稍纵即逝。- 汉语成语
Now or never. - Chinese Idiom
智者把机遇变成好运。- 谚语
A wise man turns chance into good fortune. – Proverb
天时地利人和。- 汉语成语
A good opportunity, favorable geographical location and the support from the people. - Chinese Idiom
今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败。 – 吉恩 布朗
Today's opportunity erase yesterday's failures. – Brown gene
谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。- 歌德
He who seize the right moment, is the right man. – Goethe