汗马功劳。- 汉语成语
Distinctions won in battle; toil and hardship in the wars. - Chinese Idiom
运筹帷幄。- 汉语成语
Devise strategies within a command tent; have the situation well in hand. - Chinese Idiom
异军突起。- 汉语成语
A new force emerged unexpectedly; a new factor changing the situation. - Chinese Idiom
骁勇善战。- 汉语成语
Brave and skillful in battle. - Chinese Idiom
Military orders are like a mountain, cannot be disobeyed. - Chinese Idiom
军令如山。- 汉语成语
Rescue the dying and heal the wounded. - Chinese Idiom
救死扶伤。- 汉语成语
Change danger into safety; bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion. - Chinese Idiom
化险为夷。- 汉语成语
The rising wind forebodes the coming storm; coming events cast their shadows before them. - Chinese Idiom
山雨欲来风满楼。- 汉语成语
仁义之师。- 汉语成语
Army of justice. - Chinese Idiom
全民皆兵。- 汉语成语
Everybody is a soldier. - Chinese Idiom
Exhaust the troops and engage in unjust military aggressions; love wars and military exploits. - Chinese Idiom
穷兵黩武。- 汉语成语
One's fighting spirit soars aloft; full of militancy. - Chinese Idiom
斗志昂扬。- 汉语成语
草木皆兵。- 汉语成语
Every bush and tree looks like an enemy; apprehend danger in every sound. - Chinese Idiom
Gain victory with unstained swords. - Chinese Idiom
兵不血刃。- 汉语成语
背水一战。- 汉语成语
Fight with one's back to the river; fight to win or die. - Chinese Idiom
哀兵必胜。- 汉语成语
An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win. - Chinese Idiom
爱好和平的人应准备战争。- 谚语
Who wishes for peace, let him make ready for war. - Proverb
未经过战争的人,视战争为乐事。- 谚语
War is sweet to those who never have tried it. - Proverb
强将手下无弱兵。- 汉语成语
There are no poor soldiers under a good general. - Chinese Idiom
The best weapon is education. - Maxim
最好的武器就是教育。- 格言