左思右想。- 汉语成语
Think of this way and that; ruminate. - Chinese Idiom
Be on one's mind day and night. - Chinese Idiom
朝思暮想。- 汉语成语
异想天开。- 汉语成语
Indulge in the wildest fantasy; get fancy ideas into one's head. - Chinese Idiom
浮想联翩。- 汉语成语
Thoughts thronged one's mind. - Chinese Idiom
Set people deeply thinking. - Chinese Idiom
发人深省。- 汉语成语
殚精竭虑。- 汉语成语
Meditate deeply on something; devote one's entire energy and thought. - Chinese Idiom
Unimaginable; incredible; marvellous. - Chinese Idiom
不可思议。- 汉语成语
Think long and hard; cudgel one's brain to evolve an idea. - Chinese Idiom
冥思苦想。- 汉语成语
思想是行动的种子。- 格言
Thought is the seed of action. - Maxim
愿望是思想之父。- 谚语
The wish is father to the thought. - Proverb
世界对思考者是戏剧,对感受者是悲剧。- 格言
The world is comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. - Maxim
要费时思考,急躁会坏事。- 格言
Take time for deliberation, haste spoils everything. - Maxim
由此及彼。- 汉语成语
Take one thing with another. - Chinese Idiom
Great thoughts come from the heart. - Maxim
伟大的思想都发自内心。- 格言
Great designs require great consideration. - Maxim
宏伟的计划须慎重考虑。- 格言
Say little but think more. - Maxim
要少说多思。- 格言
深谋远虑。- 汉语成语
Purpose supposes foresight. - Chinese Idiom
谚语是一国思想的精华。- 谚语
Proverbs are the cream of a nation's thought. - Proverb
居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。- 左传
In time of peace, one should always be aware of the possibility of danger. If he is conscious of it, he can take precautions. If he does this, he will be safe. – Zuo Zhuan
The fool talks, and the wise man thinks. – Proverb
笨人用嘴巴讲,聪明人用心想。- 谚语