Be thoroughly engrossed in... - Chinese Idiom
专心致志。- 汉语成语
忧心如焚。- 汉语成语
Be torn with anxiety; extremely worried. - Chinese Idiom
Have expended much care and thought on something; well-intentioned. - Chinese Idiom
用心良苦。- 汉语成语
一片冰心。- 汉语成语
A clean heart; moral purity. - Chinese Idiom
一尘不染。- 汉语成语
Not to be stained with a particle of dust; maintain one's original pure character. - Chinese Idiom
心怀叵测。- 汉语成语
Harbour sinister motives; insidious aims in mind is impossible to speculate. - Chinese Idiom
Be most willing to; with one's heart and soul. - Chinese Idiom
心甘情愿。- 汉语成语
心烦意乱。- 汉语成语
Be confused in mind; annoyed and perplexed. - Chinese Idiom
Feel at ease and justified. - Chinese Idiom
心安理得。- 汉语成语
精神焕发。- 汉语成语
One's spirits are flourishing; brimming with energy. - Chinese Idiom
天真烂漫。- 汉语成语
Innocent and artless; simple and unaffected. - Chinese Idiom
好心好意。- 汉语成语
Goodwilled and well-intentioned. - Chinese Idiom
Man's heart is incomprehensible. - Chinese Idiom
人心叵测。- 汉语成语
人心不古。- 汉语成语
Public morality is not what it used to be; people are not so honest as their ancestors were. - Chinese Idiom
全心全意。- 汉语成语
Put one's heart and soul into. - Chinese Idiom
Calmly and patiently. - Chinese Idiom
平心静气。- 汉语成语
怦然心动。- 汉语成语
Palpitating with excitement eager to do something. - Chinese Idiom
恻隐之心。- 汉语成语
A heart of sympathy; the sense of compassion. - Chinese Idiom
All sorts of feelings well up in one's heart; be moved by a mixture of feelings. - Chinese Idiom
百感交集。- 汉语成语
明心见性。- 汉语成语
Understand the mind and see the disposition; find one's true self. - Chinese Idiom