追本溯源。- 汉语成语
Trace to its source; get to the root of the matter. - Chinese Idiom
真才实学。- 汉语成语
True skill and genuine knowledge. - Chinese Idiom
Chisel wall to make use of the neighbor's light to study; very studious. - Chinese Idiom
凿壁偷光。- 汉语成语
引经据典。- 汉语成语
Cite from the classics or ancient works. - Chinese Idiom
Learned without teacher; self-taught. - Chinese Idiom
无师自通。- 汉语成语
Achieve mastery through a comprehensive study. - Chinese Idiom
融会贯通。- 汉语成语
奋笔疾书。- 汉语成语
Wield one's brush furiously; write with passion. - Chinese Idiom
Quote and site copiously to support one's thesis. - Chinese Idiom
旁征博引。- 汉语成语
品学兼优。- 汉语成语
Excellent in character and learning. - Chinese Idiom
Be perceptive of the minutest detail. - Chinese Idiom
洞察秋毫。- 汉语成语
东施效颦。- 汉语成语
Blind imitation with ludicrous effects. - Chinese Idiom
不吝赐教。- 汉语成语
Welcome any constructive advice. - Chinese Idiom
博古通今。- 汉语成语
Be conversant with ancient and modern learning. - Chinese Idiom
博采众长。- 汉语成语
Learn widely from others' strong points. - Chinese Idiom
博学多才。- 汉语成语
Be a brilliant man of wide learning. - Chinese Idiom
Be worth reading a hundred times. - Chinese Idiom
百读不厌。- 汉语成语
Come to an understanding all of a sudden; become enlightened at once. - Chinese Idiom
茅塞顿开。- 汉语成语
One's mind is full of learning; profoundly learned. - Chinese Idiom
满腹经纶。- 汉语成语
Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is perilous. - The Analects of Confucius
学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。- 论语
不学无术。- 汉语成语
Learn not, know not. - Chinese Idiom