Wife who has shared her husband's hard lot. - Chinese Idiom
糟糠之妻。- 汉语成语
相敬如宾。- 汉语成语
Proper respect and concern between husband and wife; be always courteous to each other. - Chinese Idiom
伉俪情深。- 汉语成语
Deep conjugal love; strong union of a couple. - Chinese Idiom
People destined to marry are connected by a thread, no matter how far apart. - Chinese Idiom
千里姻缘一线牵。- 汉语成语
A broken mirror joined together; reunion of husband and wife after separation or rupture . - Chinese Idiom
破镜重圆。- 汉语成语
百年好合。- 汉语成语
A harmonious union lasting a hundred years. - Chinese Idiom
Be a faithful old hoary-headed couple; live to a ripe old age in conjugal bliss. - Chinese Idiom
白头偕老。- 汉语成语
Marriage goes by contrasts. - Proverb
婚姻往往不般配。- 谚语
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. - Proverb
婚前要把眼睛睁得大大的,婚后则要睁一只眼闭一只眼。- 谚语
不幸的婚姻是噩运的源头。- 谚语
An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. – Proverb
A cheerful wife is the joy of life. – Maxim
快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。- 格言
All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill. (The lovers finally got married.) - Chinese Idiom
有情人终成眷属。- 汉语成语
Marriage comes by destiny. – Proverb
姻缘命中注定。- 谚语
A good husband makes a good wife. – Proverb
夫善则妻贤。- 谚语
捆绑不成夫妻。- 谚语
Forced love does not last long. – Proverb
婚姻能造就人,也能毁掉人。- 谚语
Marriage makes or mars a man. – Proverb
Merry meet, merry part. – Proverb
好聚好散。- 谚语
人不贵妻,自我丢脸。- 谚语
He who does not honor his wife, dishonors himself. – Proverb
The wife is the key of the house. – Proverb
妻贤家业兴。- 谚语
妻贤在德不在貌。- 谚语
The excellence of a wife consists not in her beauty, but in her virtue. – Proverb