Tastes vary; it is difficult to cater to all tastes. - Chinese Idiom
众口难调。- 汉语成语
A combination of Chinese and Western elements. - Chinese Idiom
中西合璧。- 汉语成语
Vary with each individual. - Chinese Idiom
因人而异。- 汉语成语
Be generous and broad-minded; magnanimous. - Chinese Idiom
宽宏大量。- 汉语成语
无奇不有。- 汉语成语
An infinite variety of fantastic phenomena. - Chinese Idiom
Cannot be mentioned in the same breath. - Chinese Idiom
不可同日而语。- 汉语成语
Innumerable flowers of purple and red; a profusion of colour. - Chinese Idiom
万紫千红。- 汉语成语
Each one expresses his own view. - Chinese Idiom
各抒己见。- 汉语成语
千姿百态。- 汉语成语
In different poses and with different expressions. - Chinese Idiom
Cover all the phenomena of the universe; cover and contain everything. - Chinese Idiom
包罗万象。- 汉语成语
面面俱到。- 汉语成语
Give mature consideration to all aspects of a matter; pay attention to all sides. - Chinese Idiom
万物皆有差异。- 格言
There are odds in all things. - Maxim
江河不拒细流。- 谚语
The great river refuses no streamlets. - Proverb
Each man acts on his hobby taste. (Every man has his liking.) - Chinese Proverb
萝卜青菜,各有所爱。- 汉语谚语
英雄所见略同。- 汉语成语
Great minds think alike. - Chinese Idiom
Four eyes see better than two. (Pool wisdom.) - Chinese Idiom
集思广益。- 汉语成语
四海之内皆兄弟。- 汉语成语
All men under heaven are brothers. - Chinese Idiom
All roads lead to Rome. - Chinese Idiom
殊途同归。- 汉语成语
日照万物,一视同仁。- 谚语
The sun shines upon all alike. – Proverb
The benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom. (Different people have different views or opinions.) - Chinese Idiom
仁者见仁,智者见智。- 汉语成语