Live an easy life in old age; keep fit. - Chinese Idiom
颐养天年。- 汉语成语
Walk as if on wings; walk fast and vigorously. - Chinese Idiom
健步如飞。- 汉语成语
鹤发童颜。- 汉语成语
With hoary head and a fresh boyish complexion. - Chinese Idiom
Prescribe an adequate remedy for the desease; find specific ways (to solve problems). - Chinese Idiom
对症下药。- 汉语成语
Bring a patient back to life; effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life. - Chinese Idiom
妙手回春。- 汉语成语
醉死在酒杯里的人比淹死在海里的还要多。- 谚语
More people are drowned in the glass than in the sea. - Proverb
吃起来甜的东西对胃未必有好处。- 格言
What is sweet in the mouth is not always good in the stomach. - Maxim
如果医生治不了你的病,那么你要做三件事:注意休息,心情愉快,调和饮食。- 格言
If doctors fail thee, be these thy doctors: rest, cheerfulness, and moderate diet. - Maxim
节欲是灵丹妙药。- 格言
Temperance is the best physic. - Maxim
忧郁和悲伤都是心灵的毒药。- 格言
Gloom and sadness are poisons to the soul. - Maxim
For what cannot be cured, patience is the best remedy. - Maxim
耐心是治疗不治之症最好的药物。- 格言
没有时间娱乐休闲的人,迟早有时间生病。- 格言
People who can't find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. - Maxim
忧虑催人老。- 谚语
Care brings gray hairs. - Proverb
民以食为天。- 汉语成语
Bread is the staff of life. - Chinese Idiom
睡好觉,如服药。- 谚语
Bed is medicine. - Proverb
易怒者减寿。- 谚语
Bad temper and anger shortens the years. - Proverb
Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians. – Proverb
自然、时间和耐心,是三个伟大的医生。- 谚语
Agues come on horseback, but go away on foot. - Chinese Proverb
病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。- 汉语谚语
一分预防胜过十分治疗。- 谚语
A grain of prevention is worth a ton of remedy. – Proverb
A cool head and warm feet are the cause of a long life. – Proverb
头凉脚暖,长寿之道。- 谚语