真知灼见。- 汉语成语
High perspicacity; correct and penetrating views. - Chinese Idiom
远见卓识。- 汉语成语
Foresight and sagacity. - Chinese Idiom
Have one's view overshadowed by the trivial. - Chinese Idiom
一叶障目。- 汉语成语
一家之言。- 汉语成语
The academic works of an independent thought; a theory or work with unique views. - Chinese Idiom
Be prejudiced by first preconceived ideas. - Chinese Idiom
先入为主。- 汉语成语
喜闻乐见。- 汉语成语
Be delighted to hear and see. - Chinese Idiom
见多识广。- 汉语成语
Well-informed; sophisticated. - Chinese Idiom
Consider others in one's own place. - Chinese Idiom
推己及人。- 汉语成语
There is no limit in the universe; knowledge is infinite. - Chinese Idiom
天外有天。- 汉语成语
Suddenly dawn upon. - Chinese Idiom
豁然开朗。- 汉语成语
Look at a leopard through a tube; to see only one spot. - Chinese Idiom
管中窥豹。- 汉语成语
孤注一掷。- 汉语成语
Make a last desperate effort; bet all on a single throw. - Chinese Idiom
孤陋寡闻。- 汉语成语
With very limited knowledge and scanty information; knows little of what is going on in the world of affairs. - Chinese Idiom
Each does what he thinks is right. - Chinese Idiom
各行其是。- 汉语成语
高瞻远瞩。- 汉语成语
Look far ahead and aim high; take a broad and long view. - Chinese Idiom
放眼世界。- 汉语成语
Open your eyes to the whole world. - Chinese Idiom
不分青红皂白。- 汉语成语
Indiscriminately; confound right and wrong. - Chinese Idiom
别具慧眼。- 汉语成语
Unique insight, discern what others don't. - Chinese Idiom
不接受廉价的忠告,就得高价买后悔药。- 格言
He who does not take cheap advice will have to buy dear repentance. - Maxim
The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. - Proverb
天不会因为盲人看不见而减其蓝色。- 谚语