Nourish one's spirit and store up energy; get oneself well prepared. - Chinese Idiom
养精蓄锐。- 汉语成语
Behave properly to improve one's character. - Chinese Idiom
修身养性。- 汉语成语
Elegance and simplicity in harmony; be so gentle and refined in manner. - Chinese Idiom
文质彬彬。- 汉语成语
文武双全。- 汉语成语
Versed in both literature and military affairs; be endowed with civil and martial virtues. - Chinese Idiom
温文尔雅。- 汉语成语
Genial, cultured and elegant; gentle and cultivated. - Chinese Idiom
Exercise self-control so as to protect oneself from immorality. - Chinese Idiom
洁身自好。- 汉语成语
积善成德。- 汉语成语
Doing good for a long time will form a noble character. - Chinese Idiom
Ambitious and generous kind treat. - Chinese Idiom
弘毅宽厚。- 汉语成语
浩气凛然。- 汉语成语
Awe-inspiring noble spirit. - Chinese Idiom
With kind and pleasant countenance. - Chinese Idiom
和颜悦色。- 汉语成语
Restrain oneself from being involved with bad people and things. - Chinese Idiom
束身自爱。- 汉语成语
深明大义。- 汉语成语
Understand the important principle thoroughly. - Chinese Idiom
Cleanse one's heart and limit one's desires. - Chinese Idiom
清心寡欲。- 汉语成语
Straight and impressive looking. - Chinese Idiom
气宇轩昂。- 汉语成语
Versatile; possessing numerous talents and considerable arts. - Chinese Idiom
多才多艺。- 汉语成语
登峰造极。- 汉语成语
Reach the peak of perfection; have a very high level (of scholastic attainment or technical skill). - Chinese Idiom
Excellent in both performing skills and moral integrity. - Chinese Idiom
德艺双馨。- 汉语成语
Steel is toughened and hardened in repeated struggles. - Chinese Idiom
百炼成钢。- 汉语成语
明哲保身。- 汉语成语
Be worldly-wise and play safe; be wise for personal survival. - Chinese Idiom
无欲则刚。- 汉语成语
Have neither desire nor fear. - Chinese Idiom